Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Time To Re Evaluate

I have not posted a few weeks, and it has been due to a number of things. First one is that my bankroll as come to a crashing halt from last week as I came home drunk one night after work and thought it would be fun to play on the $1 -2 limits, what a major shock that was, as I promptly got caught in a set over set with me having the bottom set, and I lost $100.

After that incident I have played numerous sit n goes trying to rebuild only to sink down some more. Now the bankroll is down to $120 and I have failed in managing my bankroll correctly over the last month.

I have put this down to a number of things.

- Not getting use to working night shift as I have been playing to tired, straight after work instead of going to sleep first.

- Playing to fast (Bluffing), trying to recover from losses instead of grinding it out, which I am better at.

- Making good reads and putting opponents on hands, only to call them anyway to confirm my suspicion.

- Having a busy life and not finding time to just relax, I have been working at work, plus working to build the website and playing poker as well which can be like a full time job.

So now is a time to re evaluate how I am going to achieve this goal, online I am pretty much a break even player, my stats on shark scope indicate so.

What I need to do is break though to being a highly profitable player. To actions I have taken today.

- I have joined the Real Poker Training website, which features a number of online professionals to help improve your game. I have done this so I can improve the areas of my game as well as have a group of people I can go to for advice.

- I am definitely going to purchase Poker Office, This is the best software to get, to record the stats on my game to review.

Well after these steps are taken, I will also look at managing my time wisely by leveraging work on the website by contracting out, take less days at work, get more rest and never play drunk again!

Hopefully I’ll have better information to report and good progress in the next few months.
