Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The First Post Of A Long Poker Journey

Well I guess this is where all good things come to start, from absolutely nothing but an idea to moving forward through a series of goals and the all important climactic high and so forth...

Forgive me for my general ramblings as this will be one of many rants and raves that I will be having on my very own poker blog, There are thousands if not millions of websites on the subject of poker that have been put up by people wanting to get into the game as well as wanting to earn commission from having links and reviews on there blogs or websites...

So why should I miss out on the opportunity, well very quickly I have made this blog using the Google resource of (very useful and FREE!) plus I have already created my own website which took longer than I bloody thought it would, you can find it here at

I guess I will be using the Blogger site more so to discuss my own personal game and to get those DAM BAD BEATS off my chest, got to complain to someone when I lose a huge pot don't I! It might as well be the world!

And I will use the website for more of commercial endeavours etc.

Well I am looking forward to communicating with all of my readers and hopefully get something going with my poker blog, Ok off to win the WSOP...

Lets Go!


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