Monday, January 28, 2008

Setting up My Poker Challenge!

Last time I talked about how poker professional Chris "Jesus" Ferguson set up his own personal challenge online to turn $1 into $10,000 and how he managed to do it within 16 months. Well now I have already created my own version of this challenge and have had minimal success due to a number of things the main cause has been DAM laziness!

Recently I have moved my poker challenge over to blogger here away from my website blog at the reason for this is because I wanted to focus the website more on poker business issues such as, poker resources, websites reviews, professional players and tournament results etc.

This way I can use this blog for my own outburst of bad beats raves, slick move rants and much more. I must have set up my own challenge about 6 months ago and have done hardly anything with it, life got in the way and I took a break from the game.

I couldn't play at the local casino anymore because I got a job there as a Black Jack Dealer, and I had to play pub poker tourneys and online poker only. This was very hard because I was so used to playing live and am still struggling with the transition of online play as my live table reads were pretty good in my biased opinion.

So anyway here are my challenge specifics, the goal is to make $10,000 (Nothing exciting like a million dollars) Plus Qualify in time for the Main Event WSOP 2008 all to be done online through one account playing at

I have approximately 5 months left and the bank roll balance which I started on $100 USD is now on $142.29 as of this very minute, yikes I checked. So I better get my A into G and start banking some money!

I'm a bit tired at the mo as I have been working on parts of my website and played a bit of 1c-2c NL Holdem (Frustrating playing at those levels), I will do another post tomorrow to talk more about the rules that I have set for myself, Statistics to aim for, secondary goals etc


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