Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More On My Personal Poker Challenge

I'm just going to talk more about how to set up my goals for my poker challenge. Now I have scoured the internet for various ideas on how people have set a challenge up for themselves, and a lot of people have got some great concepts and mostly all centered on money.

I'm not saying money is a bad thing to focus on, as that’s how most people measure poker success is with the size of your bank roll and how you built it up. What my main concern is that sometimes the monetary goal is the end result that people are looking for, some people have goals to be financially free, some seek fame and fortune by becoming a poker celebrity, what ever the goal is, it must be backed with a strong enough desire for to want login to your account every day to achieve it rather than donking off your bank roll.

I have already defined what my goals are in the last blog, I just wanted to discuss that there always has to be more than just the money.

Now for the rules I have set up for myself.


- I must have 20 buy-ins for each level I play at in a ring cash game i.e. (This is so I don't quickly go bust by buying in to a table that can send me broke with one hand)

- I must always buy in at the highest amount and never play at a table if I am the short stack. i.e. (this is so I am not displaying myself as an easy target and use the stack more)

- I must play more of a solid consistent game rather than try big time bluffs i.e. (Keep it simple in the lower limits and build the skill up slowly)

- I must buy into sit n go tourneys only for less than 5% of my total bank roll i.e. (Once again to sustain the bank roll)

And that’s all the basic rules I have set up for myself. I think that should be enough to keep me going for now and i can always adjust where necessary if things aren't working out.

As I plan to go along this journey there are a number of things I will talk about as minor goals to help me along the path. For instance I don't even have rake back like most sensible online players do, so I will have to investigate this further, to get a good return.

I also want to find decent software online that I can use along with my play, as long as it is legal, I don't even use a heads up display! That’s where I look more like a live player, so I plan to get with the program and get one.

Plus there is also Shark Scope that I want try that gives you all the stats on your play, I first want to read how to interpret the stats I'm seeing of myself and then learn how to improve them.

I have a long way to go, but I know the journey and the learning process will be worth while.


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