Sunday, February 3, 2008

Plug The Leaks In My Game!

In the last few days I have been playing online at PokerStars with my online challenge. It hasn’t been the best of starts with my bank roll already falling $20 down to $121, mainly because I have been distracting myself with the website and getting content on it, that I have been neglecting my own game.

Now I know that I will have to put more of a concentrated effort towards my goals to improve my game. One of the tables I was playing on was full of loose aggressive players and I was one of them, I kept on raising each hand to create a loose image so that when I did get a big hand hopefully I would get paid off on it.

Well by the time I got KK under the gun and then limped/raised the player in late position, he went all in and I called and he ended up winning with AA…Ha-ha, Oh well only 22 – 1 odds I guess,.

Next everyone thought I was steaming, and I was a little bit, but it doesn’t mean that my QQ should get run down by mister J-8 who thought I was full on tilt with my re buy does it?

I know this happens a lot and it is one thing I have to get use to and learn how to overcome the odds in the long run, I spoke to a friend the other day who uses Poker Office ™ Poker Analysis Software and he absolutely swears by it, he has highly recommended it to me and said that it will help plug leaks in my game and find holes in other peoples play.

So I will look more around and consider whether I will buy it or go through a room sign up to get a free copy of it.


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