Thursday, February 21, 2008

On A Good Run!

I have played my longest session so far, being about 4 hours. I have worked out a system now where I play the micro NL games to build up my bankroll and then invest a buy in or two into a one table Sit N Go $3.40 entry, this builds it up in one hit if I win because the pay out is $15 which is pretty good.

So far it has been working out great with the variance holding well for me, I have been trapping a lot of players by playing straight forward poker, what I have noticed is that most players at these limits hardly ever raise and would prefer to do just Check, Call hands down, this has made it hard to bluff but on the flipside, it means I can value bet my good hands and get paid off on them.

Another tactic I have been employing is that I always bet my sets or trips down instead of check raising, I have noticed that players cannot put you on trips when you bet into the flop and will always try for a re raise either on the flop or the turn, this is great because I can either slow play by calling their raise, checking the next card and inducing them to bluff another bet or minimum re raising them if I put them on the top pair.

Another hand I did this with against an opponent was when I flopped a straight, I had K -9 off suit and called the player in the small blinds raise, I was on the button, the flop came down 10-J-Q rainbow-giving me the straight.

He led out betting the pot, now because he did this I assumed he didn’t have the Broadway straight as I had never seen him play a hand like that. I flat called the flop then re raised him all in on the turn when a blank card came and he instantly called, I never got to see what he had as his hand hit the muck and I raked in a $10 pot.

So far I have been playing a Loose Aggressive style in cash games but a more Tight Aggressive play in the tourneys, out of 3 Sit N Go attempts I won 2 which I’m happy about however my cash game has been up and down, I have been either breaking even or making enough to enter the tourneys.

See the image below of my Bankroll now on $150, just $50 away from a level increase; I can feel my game getting better each day because I have made myself accountable with writing this blog.


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