Thursday, February 7, 2008

Rules Are Meant To Be… Followed!

I have a confession to make; I have already broken my rules that I set up for myself, why? I guess I got impatient with my own personal challenge and went up to the 10c – 25c table hoping to make a quick $100 -$200 in a sitting…Boy was I wrong.

Each buy in was $25 on the table and I bought in on three tables, I started off really well and I thought I could cheat my own rules, No good at all because RULES are meant to be FOLLOWED! I lost two bad beats one was a set of QQ vs. a runner flush and then the other was a cold deck with me having KK vs. AA, gosh this already happened to me in a previous post.

What I didn’t take into account was the variance and the fact that the rules are in place to protect my bank roll from going bust, I went all the way down to $39, luckily I have built it back up to $86, funny that I didn’t want to post on the blog ha-ha… I was trying to make the money back first.

A couple of lessons I have learnt is that you have to have patience, discipline and trust your game play at the right level. I went on tilt when I lost those two hands and almost couldn’t stop myself, I realized I wasn’t playing properly at the 10c – 25c tables (Scared Money), when I went back to the 1c -2c table though, I started killing the tables and built it back up again.

Whether my bank roll goes up or down I will always make sure I share the lessons learnt on this blog right here.

Ok… Time to follow the Rules!


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