Sunday, February 17, 2008

Multi Tabling or Single Table and Focused?

Over the last couple of sessions I have been working out what the best option is for me when it comes to setting up my games and exactly how many tables I should I play, at one time.

I tried all the way up to 8 tables and couldn’t handle the pace, I mostly play on short tables with only 6 players anyway and they are all turbo tables with less than 30 seconds to make a decision, so 8 tables caused me to time out too much.

The most comfortable for me was either having 3 – 4 tables running together, but is this always a good strategy especially when you are risking 4 times the buy-ins in one session? I personally find that when I am entering a tourney, is that I can only mentally handle at my best 1 at a time. I have entered 3 at once before and cashed in all 3, But I didn’t win any of them. When I enter only one I usually have good focus and make it at least to the top 3 out of (18 - 45 people).

With cash games I find that playing only one table can be a bit boring and I easily lose my focus and start surfing the internet and end up getting more distracted that my mind wanders away from decision making which is very important in poker.

I have still been on the grind hanging in there with the variance of the game, My discipline is holding out good as I have not had the urge to go up to the higher limits just to build the bank roll faster. The account is now on $117.27 and the next target to achieve is $200, once this bank roll target is reached it means I can go up a level to the 2c – 5c tables… Cool!

But for now I just need to make time to play longer sessions and stick with the plan!


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