Sunday, February 10, 2008

Qualifying Online for Tourneys

I have just finished a short stint of play with some cash games and trying to qualify with the PokerStars Sunday Tournaments that are scheduled. I tried 3 times for the Sunday Millions tournament entering a satellite paying with my frequent player points 375 FPP a pop.

Unfortunately I didn’t qualify this time around and it’s a real bummer because this is the first Monday off I have had in a while and because I live down under in Australia all the US tourneys start Monday Mornings. I did manage to qualify for the Hundred Grand tourney with a first prize of $12k so that should be worth a go.

It only cost 70FPP at a one table tourney and I managed to wipe the floor with everyone, except the heads up guy was pretty persistent, I did frustrate him and grind him out where he called my all in with K-Q suited against his 5 -7 desperation call.

I struggled in the 36 people Sunday Millions qualifiers because I kept getting called down with random hands, I made 9th in my first attempt ended it with 9-9 vs. A-J off suit and in my 2nd go at it I was the first one out when I got A-A in the big blind and re raised a guy in late position who had K-Q off suit who flat called me, caught a Q on the flop and decided to push all in catching his K on the turn…AAARRGGH!

I better get some rest because the tournament starts in 3 hours, Oh yeah! I also got the bank roll back up to $100 so things are looking well. I will get a few hands to talk about when this tourney is over and hope to blog about the juicy cash that I will win!


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