Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Learn To Improve Your Game While You Play

I managed to make some time to play another short session; I still haven’t been playing long sessions due to work and not playing tired as one of my requirements, even though I am playing on the micro stakes building up my bank roll it is very easy to lose focus and drop 4 - 5 buy ins in a setting.

I have still been playing loose aggressive for the first half of my session before tightening up with a bit of a stack, targeting the short stack desperado players. The bank roll is now up to $124.05 and just $76 away from going up a cash level.

To stop the boredom of play and remain on the path of improving my game I have been making sure that I have been listening to audio pod casts from the 2+2 Poker Cast that is part of the 2+2 forum.

A lot of the topics of discussion and people they interview are very advanced online players, and in just a couple of the interviews I have listened too it has made me really think differently about the game.

One of the differences I have noticed is that the great players who consistently win analyze their games after each session to find where they need to improve and adjust.

I highly recommend checking out 2+2 Poker Cast and listening to their broadcasts here is their premier audio debut below.

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