Monday, February 25, 2008

Still Playing in the Zone…

Well my good play is still around, mind you I had to warm up a bit for the first 2 hours, I started out playing micro cash games and promptly lost a few buy ins going down to $140, I think it was a combination of being tired from work, trying to hard to make money and a little bit of tilt from a bad beat with my KK getting cracked.

After a bit of composure, I managed to pull myself together, I had a bit of a break chilled out from steaming, maybe I still hadn’t decompressed from work yet or something? Anyway I started playing a couple of $3.40 Sit N Go’s I ended up coming second in 2 of them, I should of won them both but gambled at the wrong times. The stack went back up to $155 and then from there I proceeded back to the cash games short hand tables and went on a good run.

I have now managed to get the bank roll up to $180, just through shear determination and some belligerent play. On one table I must of raised 3 times the blinds about ten times in a row, one of the players was getting so sick of me doing this that when I had AA in the hole and did the standard raise again he popped for a huge raise so I went all in and he instant-called with QQ to no avail I stacked him.

He later on tried to make a move on me and I made another “Sick Call Kenny” by calling him down with K-Q winning the hand with King high! I new he was tilting from the previous hand so I had him read well and he kept away from me for a number of rounds and I stole his blinds with ease after that.

I’m a bit tired now and want to leave the bank roll on a nice round digit, I have a couple days off so will spend some time putting content on the website, and fitting in a few games, I hope I can get the account up to $200 before I go back to work!


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