Thursday, February 28, 2008

Stuck In Neutral

Over the last few days I came close to achieving the first goal taking the account up to $198.80c but fell at the first hurdle trying to make the extra 20c needed to reach the $200 mark, I have still been playing the micro limits.

I flopped a straight and a flush draw holding 5d - 7d with the flop coming down 6d-8d-9h, so I had the up and down straight flush draw as well. I checked the flop tight player in late position bets into me with a pot sized bet, I call hoping to get more action on the turn, the 8s comes out, I bet half the pot, tight player calls. The river comes the Kh, I think is a blank I bet the pot and tight player re raises me all in for 3 times the pot? I couldn't make sense of the hand so I ended up calling but I should have listened to my gut saying he had a full house.

Tight player flipped over 9-8 to take down the pot, I steamed a little bit after that hand and after a great run went back down to $183 in the bankroll, still steady though and I have to be grateful that it is a lot higher than when it was only on $39 in January.

I know that when I stick to the game plan I will achieve the $10,000 mark and the ticket to the WSOP!


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