Sunday, March 2, 2008


Finally I have reached my first goal of reaching a $200 bankroll…Hoorah! I started doubting whether I could get back over $200, its funny when you set goals for yourself and then you end up focusing too hard on just the monetary goal and not actually playing well.

That is the biggest lesson I have learnt over the last few weeks grinding it out. I must have been going up and down and all of a sudden when I got close to $200, I started to tighten up my play and not use the same strategy that I have been employing.

I must admit, I started to land some big hands against people who were either drawing or had top two pair and I hand top set. One hand I had A-J and the flop came down A-J- Rag with two clubs. Joe blow in early position pushed all in for $8 and I called and stacked him when he missed his flush draw.

Also I had A-A and the flop came out J-8-6, against 2 callers I checked the flop feigning weakness (dangerous I know), opponent best turn card comes an A,I check again opponent bets the pot, I raise, he goes all in and I call with my A-A-A vs. his A-J top two pair.

That was enough to put my bankroll past the $200 goal mark. Now for the next goal along the path…$500, I can’t wait to reach this level because then I will feel comfortable moving up to the 10c – 25c level which is $25 to buy in at the tables.

Well I’m finished for the night and will get some rest for the next goal at hand!


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