Saturday, March 22, 2008

Finding Time and Keeping Motivated

At the moment I have been working night shift at my J.O.B, if you don’t know, I am actually a Black Jack Dealer at my local casino which is just across the road. It’s a great job because I get to do shift work which gives me time off, plus I get to tune my gambling instincts watching how other people gamble.

I have been trying to find a good time to play, having to ready myself for night shift work by sleeping all morning and working at night. I have also been putting in a lot of effort into my website by adding content and new reviews etc.

I have only managed to play a few times and was just about to start a new session but wanted to add a quick blog before I start. The account is now on $284 and my aim is to get it over $300 in the next few days. I have talked to other friends and colleagues at work that are currently playing online, and I was feeling like I was out of my depth when one of the guys I was talking to, was talking about how he plays at the $2-$4 NL and has a bankroll of up to $3-4K.

I definitely had to realize that it is about patience and that my time will come.

By the way I am looking at another website at the moment that has fantastic resources for improving your game; it’s called Poker Dynasty and it is worth checking out!


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