Friday, March 7, 2008

Next Stop $500!

I thought I would write a quick blog to say that I have still been running well with my play being patient and consistent poker. I have the bankroll up to $221 by playing at the 5c-10c NL tables and by playing a couple of Sit N Goes as well.

Most of the bankroll increase came from a hand I played out in a cash game, I had 10d-8d on the button and made a standard bluff raise to steal the pot, I ended up getting raised by the big blind and then another caller to the raise in late position.

I called to see if I would get lucky on the flop and I hit the jackpot when 10s-2s-8h came down on the flop giving me top two pair.

The initial re raiser bet half the pot and late position guy calls, this brought the pot up to about $3.50 and I had $9.80 in my stack.

Now when it comes to medium pairs, two pairs or even bottom two pairs, I like to play them aggressively and punish the chasers going for their draws, The hands I was worried about the most were spade flush drawing hands and something like 9-7, J-9 or even Q-J to some real fish player going for the gut shot.

Anyway I put the initial re raiser on may be either J-J or A-K with a total miss of the board and my gut said that the late position guy was definitely drawing with one of the previous hands I mentioned, All of a sudden my instinct took over and I just pushed all-in for my whole stack at risk (If I lost this hand I still had $200 available- I didn’t want to go below my previous goal).

My instincts were correct, early re raiser folded straight away and late position player tanked for a while and then decided to call… I was screaming for total blanks to hit the board and everything looked pretty harmless when a 5c came on the turn and then 4d on the river, I took down a pot of about $19 and the late position guy flipped over Js-9s which gave him the up and down straight draw and flush draw combined.

I worked out his odds on the flop with an online odds calculator and it was a perfect 50-50 coin flip situation… Phew got lucky on that one. I still didn’t think he had 15 outs to make a hand though; I generally want to make sure I have at least 65% -90% odds to win when ever I go all in on a cash game.

A lot of people like to chase online, but I think overall by playing aggressively the majority of the time this should pay off,


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