Sunday, March 16, 2008

Up and Down Week

I have neglected the blog this week as I have been working on the website getting my IT team to fix a few bug issues and also adding some new reviews of websites which will be going up over March.

This means I haven’t had fulltime to play and have been online only for short sessions, I am still grinding it out at the 5c -10c and am still trying to get use to the play, a lot of people are willing to gamble and call all ins with very slim draws etc, in the 1c – 2c I found that some people were easy to bluff because that might have been all the money that they had, but on the new level people are calling me down, I might have to work harder on being tight.

I got the account up and then succumbed to some sick beats having set over set on me, I hit two sets on the flop with my opponents having Q-Q and also A-A only for me to re raise them all in and them calling to hit their two outer on the turn or the river.

Other than that the account is comfortably on $250, and I hope to make more time available to keep the momentum of my winning sessions.

I also played pub poker at a local bar last Thursday night, it had been along time since I played live, and man did I feel a bit rusty, I could feel my heart beat again when I had K-K under the gun and also when I pulled off a bluff. I didn’t last very long though as the blinds were moving fast and I got it all in with A-10 clubs to have a friend from work who invited me, call me with Q-Q busting me out of the tourney, Oh well hopefully I’ll get another shot if I’m not working that night.

All the Sunday tourneys are happening tomorrow so I’m going to see if I can go and Qualify.


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